The IP Link

Patent Strategy and Monetization
Understand and optimize your investment into patent protection in 60 days through the Product Protection Playbook™️ before working with a lawyer!

Join the Product Protection Playbook™
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Understand intellectual property

Demystify intellectual property (especially patents) and gain a clear understanding of the protection process. Ask us all the questions you can’t afford to ask your lawyer.

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Surpass your competition

Optimize your strategy for protecting ideas and inventions, bringing numerous benefits including improved credibility, increased revenue and net worth, and competitive differentiation.

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Gain confidence

Gain confidence that you aren’t wasting your money on patents or other IP. Assess the patentability of your invention from the perspective of novelty, usefulness, obviousness, potential claim strength, and the risks, costs, and benefits from a business perspective. This assessment also helps inform how to best approach your patent application.

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Save on your legal bills

Review, adjust, and improve your invention description based on our discussions and assessment, to minimize mistakes, improve the quality of your resulting patent application, and in many cases reduce your legal costs.

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Bring in extra revenue

Monetize your intellectual property through licensing to bring actual revenue into your business from your patents and other IP.

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Worry less about legal issues

Have your competitors filed patents similar to your products? If so, you may be infringing on another patent. Review competitive products and patents from an infringement perspective and, if needed, help you find the right legal help.

Client Success

Umay Care
G2V Optics Inc.
Soteria 120
Outbreaker Solutions Inc.

Partners and Presentations

Campus Innovation Consulting Group
Business Link
Rainforest YEG
Startup Edmonton


The Product Protection Playbook™️

Through the Product Protection Playbook™️ our clients go from being uncertain about the patent process and vulnerable to their competition to filing a greatly improved patent application that will bring value and credibility to their business.

Module 1 - Articulate Product - Not sure if you have anything patentable? Become clear on which aspects of your product have the most potential.

Module 2 - Discover Patents - Haven't made time for a competitive review? Methodically gain awareness of existing patents and products closely related to yours.

Module 3 - Compare Features - Unclear on what makes your tech unique? Confidently understand which key aspects differentiate your product.

Module 4 - Define Benefits - Do patents even make sense for your business? Be intentional about the goals for your patent application and understand the reasons for filing and the value it will bring to your business.

Module 5 - Evaluate Risks - Overwhelmed with the nebulous costs and risks? Calculate and plan for the near and long term costs and risks associated with pursuing patent protection. Develop an objective, unemotional view of the downside.

Module 6 - Resolve Strategy - Afraid of spending your limited startup capital on the wrong things or for the wrong reasons? Be confident in your decision to file and the next steps to move forward.

Module 7 - Prepare Documents - Have a hard time communicating the technical details of your product? Capture and communicate every component clearly and efficiently in writing.

Module 8 - Engage Lawyer - Intimidated by the prospect of paying for and working with a legal professional? Be in charge of the process and costs, directing your lawyer to work for you on your timeline.

Module 9 - Elevate Application - Worried about filing a legally focussed, mediocre patent draft that misses the mark? Improve your application so that it is high caliber, incorporates all aspects of your product, and will bring commercial value to your business.