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Who is presenting?

Trevor Prentice, CEO of The IP Link, has helped over 326 innovators better understand and manage their patents for 11 years. He is refreshingly not a lawyer, and will be presenting in plain english, not legalease.

What will you learn in this training?

  • How to patent an idea,
  • An in-depth review of the old, legally focussed approach in comparison with our new and improved approach to filing a patent,
  • Three key steps that are nearly always skipped, but are necessary to get a high quality patent that will bring value to your business,
  • An overview of typical costs through the old approach in comparison with our improved patent filing approach,
  • How to avoid common patent pitfalls and patent defects that could cost your business $50,000 - $150,000,
  • How you should prepare for filing a patent application BEFORE contacting a patent lawyer or patent attorney,
  • The typical timeline of the patent process (including costs) AND a timeline of our improved approach,
  • How the typical approach of going to a patent lawyer first can cause issues (and how to avoid these issues working with patent attorneys),
  • How to approach filling a patent in different countries: patent USA, patent Canada, patent in Canada,
  • And MUCH more!